
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hari Yg Memenatkan~~@@!!!

penat la nk wat blog ari ni~~!! letih~~!! 12 jam berada di luar~~!!waaaaa

best gak g gig ni..m'sia do has many great bands..indi band rox~~!! ceh sejak ble ntah...sejak tgk gig kami 2..i can see many types of people there..mcm2 ragam..yg menari cm org gila..yg menyanyi semangat nk mati padahal duk bwh je pun..hahaha..syok gak walaupun bingit telinga ni..but dorg best cuaca btul membuat org sweating...huhu redup+hujan renyai2+xde angin~~!! 2 yg wat penat..lg 1 xde ke dorg wat gig 2 letak kerusi utk duduk~~!! penat la diri dr kul 3.30 sampai kul 6.30..lenguh giler kaki ni...then dorg ad jual merchandise dorg not bet..ak pun TERbeli gak design tshirt2 dorg..but i'm still learning about underground and dis indipendent band things..they r so great..but y cm byk grup lg yg td 1st tyme dgr group couple..lgu dorg best ak yg ketinggalan..may be la..sbb b4 ni bkn minat sgt pun..mula dgr meet uncle hussein je la..pas tgk cite kami..den suke lg dlm cte 2..(capital e-bittersweet)skrg jd minat lak~~!!huhu

pas tgk gi g mkn2 kat mp..rahim belanja sume org mkn~~!! die bru dpt loan die~~!! THANKS RAHIM~~!! huhu

dr mp ke studio jamming kat melaka raya die agak mahal tp instrument die best2 gitar ibanez~~!! ak la ckit2 cz blaja dr abg2 ku yg kaki kumpul gitar2 cm 2...emm dh lame dh tertanam di hati ini nk main drum sejak di matrix ayah skrg ni cm membuak2 je prasaan ni nk men..kat studio td ad klas utk blaja men drum..rm80 4 beginners..nk la...dlu blaja piano smpai grade 8 pun skrg xley wat pe pun..men2 sendiri ley la...klu blaja men drum ley tubuh kan band indi~~!! ahaks..berangan jauh gler....seronok tgk PT men drum setiap kali g jamming 2..nk jugak..emm group couple td 2 pun ad sorg ahli kumpulan die perempuan..slalu perempuan jd group ni perempuan 2 gitarist..hebat la..bkn xpenah tgk perempuan men gitar..but ske la perempuan 2..hebat..hehehe

ckup la utk hari ni~~!! letih la nk tido..huhu
"They say dreams are the windows of the soul--take a peek and you can see the inner workings, the nuts and bolts."
Henry Bromel.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


bermula ngan hari yg mendebarkan kemudian memenatkan kemudian menggembirakan dan skrg ni..waaaaa xtahu nk ckp..2 my boo..i'm sorry dear..mie xsengaje wat dy mrh~~!! 1000 sorry to u darl~~~!!!!jgn marah lame2 ye~~!!

utk john thank u so much teman setelkan sume 2 dari pg smpai ptg..utk rizal..time kasih kerana menghantar sy ke destinasi yg mahu ditujukan..hahaha...ic xtinggal lg k..paya..thanks temankan karoke..huhu..

skrg ak asyik terfikir pasal ayat@ubt gune2~~!! ap bnd 2 ek? cm ne org gnekan bnd 2? utk ap?? ap simptom2 nye? ad ke org pkai bnd 2 skrg ni?? cm ne nk cri jawapan sume ni?hehehe..

ap sbbnye org xnk jmp kte ek? kte wat slh ke? die xske kte ke? obviously cm 2 la ek....ari ni mcm2 persoalan yg timbul..mcm2 difikirkan..ley jd giler cm ni..sebenarnye dh xtahu nk cite ap..ap yg ak rse skrg? kosong~~!! cite hamba Allah ni dlu konon baik la adik bradik la konon..nk ikut ckp die..hormat die...elok je nk gurau ke ap ke..sampai 1 masa..ntah ap angin ke ribut ke petir ke..die lak wat cm xkenal ak..ak ley lak nk sambut birthday die..berabis duit..bukan la nk mengungkit cm xberbaloi je.skrg nk jd musuh plak..birthday org len ley lak dtg sambut..birthday ak, wat xtahu je..wish pun x..xpe la..mungkin die rse die bgus sgt..die lg knp nk hukum org cm 2? die xpk ke ap dh blaku kat diri die..cme nk slhkan org len..diri die 2 die xcermin ke?hmm may be ak ad wat slh kat x fair la bg ak kan..die pun ad wat slh body is perfect in dis world rite..skrg..biar la die ngan idup die..ak ngan idup ak..ak lg bahagia die xde..huhu..

xsabar nye nk g tgk KAMI sok..g ramai2 lak 2...any interesting story akn dipostkan kemudian..huhu..skrg mase utk memanjakan mata dgn tido~~!! hehehe

rindu kat mak ayah la..nk blk umah~~!! mak.....rindu......bkn jauh pun umah ek..

"No matter where you live, brothers are brothers and sisters are sisters. The bonds that keep family close are the same no matter where you are." Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata,


nO aIR

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
If I should die before I wake
It's 'cause you took my breath away
Losing you is like living in a world with no air

I'm here alone, didn't wanna leave
My heart won't move, it's incomplete
Wish there was a way that I can make you understand

But how do you expect me
To live alone with just me
Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
That's how I feel whenever you ain't there
There's no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon' be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
There's no air, no air

I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew
Right off the ground to float to you
There's no gravity to hold me down for real

But somehow I'm still alive inside
You took my breath, but I survived
I don't know how, but I don't even care

So how do you expect me
To live alone with just me
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
That's how I feel whenever you ain't there
There's no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon' be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
There's no air, no air

~~jordin sparks feat chris brown~~
(~~ dedicated 2 my dear muhammad Ridzuan bin Muhammad Razali~~)
(<~~mie syg dy~~>)

Friday, July 18, 2008

wat happen 2 me 2day~~???

"Life is an unbroken succession of false situations" Thornton Wilder

wat happen 2day?? kul 12 tgh mlm celebrate birthday dak bucuk si YAni..hahaha
die kene buli je b4 nk sambut b'day die..sonok ek dpt tiramisu from secret recipe?? pas ni blanje kteorg mkn..dh abis duit bli kek ko je yani~~!! hehehe mc2 halangan nk g bli kek die..hehehe...ak t'perasan ic ilang..padahal dlm poket suar kat umah..kene gelak ngan john n rizal..jahat la dorg ni..

esk nk setelkan mslah..harap2 dpt la settle..pas ni ley study ngan tenang..pas 2 nk cri pc lak..siap la ko john..ko tgk la ak bli pc br nnt..huhu..

hey~~!! spe yg nk bli perfume ley la crik sy..hehehe..ak tlg kwn jual perfume..murah2 je..original..hehehe..meh la bli..kte tlg menolong..

why we in love?knp kte syg org 2? sdgkan die wat kte merana~~!! hehehe..ley ke percaya klu die ckp syg die xkan hilang??? pening la ek ble bercinta ni..dh lame x idup single..mst rase nye lebih seronok kan..xyah nk pk2 psl ni..~~!!Ya Allah, berikan la hamba mu ini kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat~~
emm sbnrnye penah terfikir untuk mencari calon suami yg gelar ustaz~~!! msih xberjaya..hehe..kte mmg ssh dpt ap yg kte hajatkan kan?? ad la plak ustaz nk kat ak ni...hehehehe btul ckp kwn2 ak n kak emma..ak dh tutupa ti utk org len..ak juz setia kat die..ak kne bkk ati ak utk org xreti la..ak mg syg die..he's my world..tlg la bantu ak kuar dr sume belenggu ini~~!! wah gitu..but seyes..nk setel kan sume ni..

nk bg credit kat datin NYONG(paya) n datin NGOK(azie)..yg menghiburkan ati di ptg ari 2..hahaha cm nk mati lyn perangai korg 2..ak rse jiran2 mst dh xsbr2 nk pindah umah..pening duk kat cni..menyanyi xingt dunia..berckp cm kwn 2 duk mane la ak ley nk duk ngan korg seyes best..korg best..nsib baik datin JOY(yani) xde ptg td..klu x mst lg gawat dibuat nye~~~!!

xsbr nk g gig KAMI ari sabtu nk ikut yani ngan paya g kl..jelesnye sy..ciumkan kl utk sy ye korg~~!! hahaha..

k la ..kwn2 smpai cni je ye post sy kali ni..berjmpa lg di post yg lain~~!! huhu..

"Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you."
Wally 'Famous' Amos


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Life & Love

"Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command." Alan Watt.

do he really feel wut i feel rite now? ssh ke die nk berterus terang ? it's been 3 weeks like dis..ak pun dh jd fed ak xkuat nk lwn sume ni..nk tgglkan die..idup tanpa die..sume 2 ak xmampu..i've tried so many times 2 break up with him..he never, he keeps running away from me.. ireally luve him..but i cant stand to live like dis..i need him..2 protect me..2 guide me..2 hear me whateva i wanted 2 tell him..die dh xde lg utk sume 2 cm dlu..sdgkan ak perlukan die..dh byk kali ak bg tahu..knp die xjwb? n xde pape pun yg berubah.. i do have make some misstake b4 dis..but i have changed..i do it cuz i wanted a new life..i want happiness in my life..i dun cry anymore...slh ke klu kte mahu kan idup kte bahagia? slh ke klu ak nk jd cm org len yg bercouple? knp idup ak jd cm ni? why?

waaaa pc rosak~~!!! mane plak nk cri duit bli pc ni...ingat ley upgrade je..skali td john tgk2kan..die ckp "dh ley buang dlm longkan je pc ko ni.." citt..waaa makkk~~!! ayah~~!! adik nk pc bru~~!!emm ad x cara yg mudah,selamat dn halal utk mendapatkan duit...tolong~~!!!!!!! sem ni nk wat bengkel 2 plak 2..mcm2 projek lg nk kene wat..gler la..pening la pk sume len xde pun bermasalah mcm ak ek..ak je byk mslh...xabis2 mslh dtg..waaaaaaaaa tension nyer~~!!

jap lg nk g men badminton ngan bdk2 umah n john da jambul~~!! dah lame xmain...john ckp klu tgh tension@stress kte kne bersukan...hehehe..

"The secret of happiness is to make others believe they are the cause of it. Al Batt

what is in my heart? (-_-)

Wut do u 1 in ur life? happiness? wellness? i want a perfect life.. i want 2 have everything i wanted 2 have..

ap yg ad pada org lain xde pd ak? ak ad family..ak ad bf..ak ad knp ak masih xpuas??

hmm family?? 2 much 2 say...sape yg xsyg family terlalu byk kesalahan ak dh wat..ak menyesal..dh byk kali ak try utk mula dgn yg ad je bnd lame yg diungkit blk...smpai ble nk bis..bkn ke sume org pernah wat silap?

bf? it's too complicated..kami dh lame bersama..4 years 2 be together is enough 4 me 2 know him..but at dis moment..i dun think i know him..he way to far from me...n dun know wut he's doing rite now..he didnt call me 2day.. not even a msg..hmm cm ne nk ckp.. ak xpenah percaya dat mean i dun love him? but i can't live without him.. i need him..but i dun even know am i important 2 him..4 tahun..mcm2 halangan kteorg dh luar..sume nye kami dh pernah skrg.... it seems like not worth it we get through those things..die lebih byk menyepikan diri..msg jarang jwb..kol ssh nk angkat..nk kol blk pun jarang..dlu everyday kteorg contact..everynyte b4 tido mst sembang plg cepat 2 sekarang..sume dh xde lg..ak penah terfikir utk lari dari smapai ble2 pun ak akn skt even ak lari..i love him damn knp die wat sume ni? i need 2 know y..ak wat slh ke? ak xtahu dh nk wat ap lg...

kwn2..i do have alot of friends...jauh dekat..sume housemates..byk bantu ak lupekan mslh smapi ble ak ley lupekan mslh ak 2 kan..ak kne gak hadapi..ak ssh nk cite mslh ak kat dorg..ak malu..even ak dh kenal dorg lame dh..ntah la..kdg2 je..may be dorg nmpk ak cm xde mslh..sbnrnye..ak pk mcm2..i love all my frens..i do anything 4 them..

this is my 1st post..i dun know wut 2 say..dis is all i have 2 say now.. i wish i get a better life 2morrow..2morrow is better den 2day~~!!